My practice blends scientific research, counselling theory, and clinical experience into a singular approach. It enables people to literally reconstruct the neural pathways that guide daily living. From experiences of stress, difficult emotions, and physical pain, to the quality of everyday relationships, this approach has proven clinical results.
Change is always hard. Whether something or someone in our life needs to change — or it already has — or we’ve decided that something inside ourselves needs to shift, it’s never easy. But living with the feeling that something isn’t right is hard too — it can leave us with frustration and resentment in our relationships, dip us down into depression and exhaustion, or put us in a pattern of all-too-familiar anxiousness, submissiveness, and anger. If any of this sounds familiar, counselling can help.
Trust, and change, and introspection are risky, and so counselling can seem scary. The most important factor in the success of therapy is the relationship between you and me. Research tells us that when we connect, our conversations bring out the parts of yourself that already know how to adapt, to change, and to heal.